Getting Here
Alaska Airlines Salmon Thirty Salmon
With Alaska Airlines
Cordova sees the Alaska Airlines jet twice daily. Flight 61 travels north bound from Seattle by way of Juneau and Yakutat and flies on to Anchorage. Flight 66 arrives southbound from Anchorage and on to Yakutat, Juneau and finally to Seattle. Both Anchorage and Seattle are seen as gateways to Cordova. Check Alaska Airlines website for reservations, schedules, special fares and more.
With the Alaska Marine Highway
A breath-taking scenic 70-minute drive down Turnagain Arm from Anchorage to Whittier brings you to the Whittier Ferry Terminal. Check the Alaska Marine Highway website to make your reservation, check schedules, fares, and general ferry news.
The ferry ride can be a treat as you sail across pristine and wild Prince William Sound. If you’re patient, observant and a bit lucky you may see a pod of Orcas, porpoise playing in the wake of the ferry, seals hauled out basking in the sun, sea otters floating by, sea birds on the wing, and an entire fishing fleet working the cold waters of the Sound.